What do you expect from the interface?
Read a great article today - Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP). It let me understand that Interface is not just a list of methods.
JBoss Seam usage makes the application code crazy!
04 May 2009
Seam Application has a number of good innovations but let's find out if we lose some advantages that we had before. I started application development with JBoss Seam one year ago. With the code base growth I have had more and more problems in workflow development .
java programming jboss seam criticism
Update and create timestamps with MySQL
30 Apr 2009
A lot of relational tables need created and update timestamps columns. I prefer having them for all tables with no exception. However, most of applications I am working on are running MySQL. MySQL has minor limitation on timestamps. Unfortunately you can create only one time stamp column that has DEFAULT NOW() value. Read more to see how to avoid this limitation.
howto mysql timestamp database
Aphorisms about programming
29 Apr 2009
I am not clever. I am just yet another way to use google.Good programmer should be lazy.
The hole in your pocket is not critical unless you have a hole in your other pocket.
humor programming aphorism
Ant task to install tomcat service26px
28 Apr 2009
If you are familiar to run Apache Tomcat as Windows service, you can install it with the ant task. build.xml file sample under the cut line.
java howto ant tomcat26px windows service
Clear upload file input field
23 Apr 2009
Many web developers came to the problem that they are not able to change value of file input field from Java Script in the web application. There is no access to value field of file input tag because of security restriction. However there is a trick how to erase this field if you need it in your application. javascript howto input file html
Components of success
10 Apr 2009
People from different countries are reaching success in completely different way. And that is good because no matter who you are you can be successful. I heard a lot of success stories and now can summarize - what components are required to build your own success story...success
Brain async
09 Apr 2009
Many people came to the question: Why do our brain is having so many gaps: forget important info, quickly change opinion, stuck when doing usual actions, etc? Well, try to look from the different side.Our brain is about 4 million of neurons('processors') that works completely async: neural impulses follow though brain without any rules and permissions, every neuron process the information in there own way, no body is able to re implement such a large information processing system. From this point of gap are normal and true solutions and that is being solved by our brain every day is a miracle. -->
Technical documentation
08 Apr 2009
There is no one technical book I read more than a half. Is everybody doing this way?
I recommend book authors to explain themselves in more short form.
documentation it-related
Upload files with Selenium IDE
03 Apr 2009
I started using selenium about 2 weeks ago. Find it as a very good QA tool.
But after a few successfully written tests I met the problem: Selenium is not able to use file input field. JavaScript permission restriction doesn't allow it.Here is my solution written with JInvoke library: Jinvoke provides the classes to simulate the input to file chooser form.